Mixtec South Africa's Stand at the Electra Mining Show 2018 represented by members of the Mixtec Group from around the world.
Thank you for all those who visted our stand
Mixtec continues to position itself as a frontrunner in its field of expertise. This is thanks to in-house mixer design, ongoing research and development and the delivery of world-class components and products
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Mixtec North America's booth at the Las Vegas MINExpo 2016 represented by members of the Mixtec Group from around the world.
From Left to right we have: Neil Baguley (Australia), Matthew Walker (USA), Jonathan Clamp (South Africa), Joshua Walden (USA) and Charlie Matson (USA)
220 & 185 KW Concentrate Holding Tank Agitators for an Iron Ore operation supplied by Mixtec Latin America in conjunction with Mixtec South Africa. With a solids SG of 5.0 in a tank of 18.5m in diameter. Mixtec utilised it's HA720/HA801 hydrofoil impeller design philosophy to meet and exceed the clients requirements.
The harmful effects of acid mine drainage on the environment are being successfully combated by a large acid mine drainage plant in Germiston, Gauteng, which contains a comprehensive mixing system developed by leading mixer manufacturer Mixtec.
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